Pulsed Electromagnetic
Field Therapy

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Pulsed Electromagnetic
Field Therapy in Albuquerque, NM

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy's, pain-relieving effects have been called the energy medicine of the future. This biofeedback technology has been around for decades but has been gaining attention recently.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) has been used to heal bone fractures, treat psychological disorders like depression, reduce swelling and pain, promote blood circulation, and stimulate the immune system.

PEMF therapy regenerates damaged and diseased tissue and helps to repair torn tendons and fractured bones by opening and dilating the arteries and capillaries. It also reduces edema, and the pain associated with lack of sufficient oxygen.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy's pain-relieving effects have been called the energy medicine of the future. This biofeedback technology has been around for decades but has been gaining attention recently.

All energy is electromagnetic in nature. When your cells are sick, they lose energy. PEMF oxygenates, alkalizes and builds up energy within the cells, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the cells mitochondria.

The results are less pain, reduction in swelling, and increased range of motion in affected areas. This is created by the flow of electrically charged ions in and out of the cells, and the transmission of electric impulses through cell membranes.

pEMF: The energy medicine of the future

All energy is electromagnetic in nature. When your cells are sick, they lose energy. PEMF oxygenates, alkalizes and builds up energy within the cells, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the cells mitochondria.

The results are less pain, reduction in swelling, and increased range of motion in affected areas. This is created by the flow of electrically charged ions in and out of the cells, and the transmission of electric impulses through cell membranes.

Regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible, but necessary to slow aging and to reduce the risk of cell dysfunction. By restoring the body’s natural energy through PEMF therapy, cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved, and oxygen carrying capacity is increased.

building healthy cells for life with pEMF

Having healthy cells is not a passive process. When the electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases. PEMFs address impaired chemistry and thus the function of cells, which in turn improves health. PEMF therapy has been used extensively for many conditions and medical disciplines with excellent results. Research has proven neurological, physiological and psychological benefits and PEMF is approved by the FDA. Therapeutic PEMFs are specifically designed to positively support cellular energy resulting in better cellular health and function. The treatments are completely safe with absolutely no side effects, however pulsed electromagnetic energy is contraindicated for individuals who have a pacemaker.

What are the benefits of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy?

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Functional & Regenerative Medicine Approach

Our Functional and Regenerative Medicine approach focuses on the comprehensive healing and restoration of normal function to tissues, organs, and overall bodily systems affected by illness or degeneration. This holistic method is grounded in harnessing the body's innate healing capabilities, and understanding the interconnectedness of its systems. Your treatment journey begins with an in-depth health assessment that takes into account genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Our therapies may encompass intravenous infusions, bioidentical hormones, and biologics containing growth factors, aiming to foster tissue regeneration and combat illness at its source. Additionally, we advocate for nutritional adjustments, supplements, and lifestyle changes that enhance the body's natural ability to heal. This personalized approach addresses the root causes of illness, promoting long-term wellness and improved quality of life.