Alpha Lipoic Acid

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Alpha Lipoic Acid in Albuquerque, NM

This powerful antioxidant treatment helps regenerate liver tissue, reverse the complications of diabetes mellitus, slow or stop the growth of cancer cells, and chelate heavy metals, among other actions. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a natural substance produced by our own cells throughout our liver, more when we are younger but diminishing with age.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is considered a unique antioxidant, as it is both water and fat-soluble, thereby increasing its ability to function in many parts of the body.

Benefits of ALA:

Improve insulin sensitivity
Lower blood sugar levels
Decrease pain and numbness associated with diabetic neuropathy
Facilitate higher levels of glutathione (which helps the liver detox the body)
Improve brain function
Prevent premature aging
Regenerate liver tissue
Slow or stop the growth of cancer cells
Chelate heavy metals

Health Applications of ALA

This powerful antioxidant treatment helps those suffering from diabetes and is a proven anti-cancer agent. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is a natural substance produced by the cells throughout our liver...more when we are younger and diminishing with age.

Primarily, ALA’s function is to help metabolize glucose from the food we eat. This may account for part of ALA’s role in relieving diabetic neuropathy, the pain and numbness endured by diabetics in their hands and feet.

ALA also recycles vitamins C and E, helping to prevent deficiencies of these vitamins, while also aiding in the formation of the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione — which acts mainly in the liver to detox the body of current toxic exposures, as well as improve brain function and prevent premature aging.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA, thioctic acid), among other actions, is an essential coenzyme in the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl co-enzyme A. Therefore, it is necessary for the production of energy for aerobic organisms. Scientists have found that it can be used medically to help regenerate liver tissue, reverse the complications of diabetes mellitus, slow or stop the growth of cancer cells, and chelate heavy metals, among other actions.

where do we find aLA?

Alpha lipoic acid is available from the following dietary sources:

​Fruits & Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables including spinach and broccoli are some of the highest sources of ALA. Other sources are tomatoes and potatoes.

Organ Meat: Kidney, heart, and liver (from grass-fed animals is recommended).

Supplements: Supplement dosage size can range from 50-600 mg per day depending on the desired therapeutic effect you wish to achieve. As with any dietary supplement, you should speak with your health care provider to learn if ALA dietary supplementation is right for you.

​Foods with high concentrations of thiol can also be incorporated into the diet to promote the body’s natural ability to produce ALA.

Examples of foods high in cancer-fighting thiols are:


Bok choy











How Alpha Lipoic Acid can kill cancer cells and sometimes outperforms chemotherapy...

Although Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is not a very well-known nutrient, it is a naturally occurring thiol antioxidant, or simply stated, a sulfur-containing chemical produced in plants and animals.

It has been shown to have a remarkable ability to regenerate other major anti-oxidants and protect the body from oxidative stress. Research has also shown that it has the potential to outperform chemotherapy in its ability to reduce cancer cell formation, with little to no side effects or collateral damage. (Read NIH information here.)

Alpha lipoic acid is found in food and many alternative-health doctors use higher dose supplemental forms to help those with diabetes, neurodegenerative conditions, auto-immune diseases, cancer, and heart disease. Alpha lipoic acid in supplemental form is also used to improve human performance in otherwise healthy individuals.


IV Therapies

IV therapies designed to treat specific conditions can be very powerful tools in healing and can promote overall wellness.

To read more about an infusion, click through each one!